In this biography of the life and work of Father Nicholas Gruner, founder and director of The Fatima Center, learn the reasons why he was often called the “most controversial priest in the Catholic Church today.” His stalwart, unflinching determination to see that the requests made by the Blessed Virgin at Fatima are fully complied with had made him many friends and followers as well as some powerful enemies within the Church bureaucracy.
Read about Father Gruner’s long and desperate struggle to defend his priestly rights and reputation, along with facts and documentary evidence demonstrating that the case against him was nothing more than a careful and well-organized effort to suppress the Message of Fatima. Also included are his personal reflections on a wide variety of moral, theological, and personal topics, providing further insight into the life and mission of this uniquely pious and dedicated priest.
(Also available at: https://fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Fatima-Priest.pdf.)