Read Me or Rue it...

Read Me or Rue it...

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By Father Paul O'Sullivan

Forgetfulness of our beloved dead is one of the saddest realities of life among Catholics, especially today! God has given us the means to relieve them of their sufferings in Purgatory, yet "their memory seems to perish with the sound of the funeral bells." (St. Francis de Sales). However, we can begin today to make good this neglect by using the powerful spiritual means described in this inspiring book.

In Read Me or Rue It the very popular priest writer, Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, tells many true stories about the Poor Souls in Purgatory. He relates incidents from the lives of the Saints to show their great sufferings, our obligation to help them, as well as the many helps and graces which they obtain for their benefactors in return.

This already-famous little book needs to be spread far and wide. It will lead to a powerful link between ourselves and the "Church Suffering," our brothers and sisters in Christ who suffer the torments of Purgatory - a powerful bond of charity whereby we shall please God, send souls to Heaven, and obtain for ourselves and our families a host of priceless graces and blessings.